KLAT MAG: Join Our Creative Community

For Those Seeking Feature Opportunities:

For Those Seeking to Contribute Content to the Magazine:

What Makes The Content a Good Fit for KLATMAG?

  • Relevance to our audience: We prioritise content that resonates with individuals from all backgrounds, and address their interests and concerns.
  • Storytelling: We hope you captivate our audience with visually stunning photographs, thought-provoking films, impactful designs, and engaging writing.
  • Diversity and inclusion: We value stories, pictures, films and content pieces from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Whether it’s fashion, music, art, or culture, we encourage pitches that embrace inclusivity and representation.
  • Creativity and originality: We welcome fresh ideas and unique angles that offer a fresh perspective on familiar topics or explore new territories within our categories.

General Guidelines

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when pitching to KLATMAG:

  • Length of articles: We recommend that if your content is an article, it should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. This allows for a comprehensive exploration of the topic.
  • Familiarise yourself with our publication: Take the time to read through KLATMAG’s existing content to understand our tone, style, and audience preferences.
  • Include relevant images: If you have images that accompany your article, please ensure they are high-quality and relevant to the content. Images should be submitted separately.
  • Submission timeline: Once your pitch is approved, please submit your content within 5 days. This timeframe ensures timely publication of your work.

Guidelines for Each Category


Here are Some Examples:

Here are Some Examples:

Art and Culture

Here are Some Examples:

How to Pitch KLATMAG

  • Your Submission
  • Upload Files (i.e any images, designs, films or visuals you want to be included in your content)
  • Your name, email and contact info.

Follow Up


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